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The website is operated by:


5400 Mezőtúr, Vásár út 35.
Tel./fax: +36-56/550-642
Tax number: 13280226-2-16
Community tax number: HU13280226
Company register number: 16-09-007854
Name of the company registration authority: Szolnoki Törvényszék Cégbírósága

Copyright: by entering the and sites or one of their sites, you agree on the following conditions: A Crystal-Mezőtúr Kft. reserves all rights related to the content on the website (including in particular photographs, videos, graphics, and any textual content), their copying and distribution in any way, as well as any other use.

The content and design of the sites are protected by international and Hungarian laws. The and the domain names are legally protected, to use them – with the exception of a reference – is only possible with the prior written consent of the Crystal-Mezőtúr Kft.

The unauthorized use of the contents and trademarks that can be found on the websites and entails criminal and civil law consequences. In case of unauthorized use the A Crystal-Mezőtúr Kft. can legally demand the cessation of the infringement and compensation for the damage caused as well as the reimbursement of the gains achieved; also according to the Criminal Code 384-385. § 384-385 and § 388 in case of the realization of any crimes the Kft can report the offence.

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